Over one million serum bottles exported to Iraq

An Afghan pharmaceutical company, based in Kabul recently exported more than one million bottles of serum valued $580,000 from Afghanistan to Iraq.

The Milli Shafa company founded in 2019 with an initiate investment of $10 million, the company has recently increased its investment to $20 million.

At a ceremony celebrating the first shipment of serum to Arabic nations, Head of company, Nisar Ahmad Taraki said that Afghanistan now offers favorable investment opportunities.

Abdul bari Omari, the Taliban Head of Drug and Food Authority, speaking at the same, claimed 90% medicine was imported illegally into Afghanistan before the Taliban takeover.

He asserted that the Taliban has now legalized 80% country’s medicine imports.

In addition, the Taliban’s minister of information and culture, Khairullah Khairkhah encouraged Afghan citizens to invest in the country.

According to Afghan citizens, despite to the same development in the country, the Taliban’s institutions impose high tariffs and taxes over citizens.

Despite to restrictions at the bank system and economy, continue to pose significant challenges for business operations in the country.